Sunday, March 11, 2012

Happy First Communion Ricky! AKA Why We Have No Family Photos....

Ricky made his first communion today. We are so proud of him.

To commemorate the event, I tried to take a picture of the kids together...

Here is what I came up with...

Notice Noah's happy face... try again....

Still not too happy looking....

Well... Noah isn't pouting, but Matthew decided to close his eyes...and I am not sure what Ricky is doing with his hand, or his head for that matter....

Matthew can't handle it anymore and is on the verge of giving up when I snapped this one....

Ricky gets distracted by a squirrel...... (or something shiny.... it runs in the family...) I decide to give it ONE more try, and wind up with.....

Well... at least everyone is smiling... even if several of them have their eyes closed. I give up.

Thankfully Ricky and Father Bob have far fewer issues posing.....

Congratulations Ricky........ We love you!

God is good. All the time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank goodness you got a couple of "good ones" in there, or I would have felt badly telling you how funny the other pictures and your captions are! Kids can be such stinkers!! :)